Photo Gallery
Pinellas Park Performing Arts Center
4951 78th AvenuePinellas Park, FL 33781
70,000 square feet
PICP - Permeable Interlocking Concrete Pavement
Click on the images below to view a larger display.
4 days and 8.000 sf
5 man crew
90 herringbone installation
Adjacent area
Area was swept clean prior to compaction
Belgard eco holland harvest blend
Belgard eco-holland
Bobcat in all wheelsteer mode
Compaction of the pavers
Cutting of border pavers
Day 3
ERIK Pinellas Park, FL
Filed pavers day 3
Final placement of the geotextile up curbing
First picp permitted in pinellas country florida
Geotextile N4 and N57
Geotextile placement
Hand screed of the bedding stone
Joint fill dispersed 2
Joint fill dispersed
Joint fill installed
Joint fill placed using all wheel steer bobcat
Joint fill
Mirifi geotextile wrapped up the curbing
Movemant of the joint fill
Movement of the materials
N4 modified granite base
N4 modified granite sub-base 2
N4 modified granite sub-base